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Our Central Sunday service starts at 6pm and is all about Jesus. From the first handshake through to serving refreshments at the end of the service we want you to experience Jesus and the love He has for you. We sing songs and hymns; spend time in prayer; share communion and listen to teaching inspired by the Holy Spirit, based on the Word of God.

Home Churches also take place on alternative Sundays.

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 What happens on Sundays ?



A large part of the Sunday service is dedicated to worship through music.


Led by our gifted worship leaders we use a good mix of contemporary christian songs and traditional hymns to lift up the Name of Jesus.

We use multimedia tools to project the words for the songs on to screens.


Communion & Prayer

This is an opportunity to focus again on Jesus great sacrifice for us and to thank Him for making a way back to God 

These emblems are usually passed around the room rather than asking people to come to the front.


Prayer is intergral to our faith and an important part of our Sunday services,

We often spend time in prayer to thank God for His goodness and also to pray for each other.



Every Sunday we will hear inspiring and challenging teaching from the bible

Explained in practical everyday language we learn more about God to help build our faith and solidify our purpose

These messages give us the tools to live our lives for His glory and honour.

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City International Church

Registered Charity: 1157552


Membership number:241388

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